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Citations read about the faculty members retiring in 1985:

Germaine Brée

To Germaine Brée for giving to Wake Forest twelve years of her productive career as one of the world’s most brilliant interpreters of twentieth century French literature.  She taught us clarity of thought and precision of language; she enlivened us with her sense of fun; and she reminded us of the joy to be found in dedication to scholarship.  She has been a gracious and generous colleague.

Claud H. Richards Jr.

To Claud H. Richards Jr., for his thirty-three years of dedicated service to Wake Forest: as the founding chairman of the University’s Department of Politics; as exemplar of excellence in teaching and unwavering professional integrity; as a wise interpreter of the American constitution and of American political ideals; and as an effective spokesman for the role of the faculty in institutional governance.

Horatio P. Van Cleve

To Horatio P. Van Cleve for ten years of service to the Bowman Gray School of Medicine as a faculty member and as director of the Family Practice Center.  During thirty-five years of practice in family medicine, he has been recognized as the epitome of the primary care physician.

Ruth O’Neal

To Ruth O’Neal for her thirty-seven years of service to the Bowman Gray School Medicine and to the community, and for her commitment to the care of infants and children.  She also demonstrated extraordinary devotion to the education of medical students, who have said of her, “She has shown us how to be competent, caring, and dedicated physicians.”

Angus C. Randolph

To Angus C. Randolph for his thirty-seven years of dedicated service to the Bowman Gray School of Medicine and to his profession.  Recognized for his proficiency as a teacher and clinician, his service as President of the North Carolina Neuropsychiatric Association and as President of the District Branch of the American Psychiatric Association attests to his leadership qualities and to the esteem in which he is held by his colleagues.

James T. McRae

To James T. McRae for his thirteen years of service to the Medical Center, including three years as head of the Section on Emergency Medicine.  Throughout his medical career, which included five years as a medical missionary and thirteen years as a privately practicing surgeon, his patients always came first.

Richard C. Proctor

To Richard C. Proctor for his thirty-four years of exceptional service to the Bowman Gray School of Medicine, including twenty-four years as chairman of the Department of Psychiatry.  A pioneer in the field of industrial psychiatry, he also is recognized nationally as an authority on executive stress.  He has held leadership roles in his profession at the state, regional, and national levels.

Louis Shaffner

To Louis deShweinitz Shaffner for his thirty-four years of devoted service to the Bowman Gray School of Medicine, the profession of medicine, and the patients he has served.  His service as a distinguished president of the State Medical Society of North Carolina and his proficiency in other leadership roles have brought honor to this institution and to all associated with it.