1999: Retiring faculty
Retiring faculty recognized during commencement
By Julie Leonard
Posted May 17, 1999
Retiring faculty from Wake Forest University were recognized during the university’s commencement ceremony on May 17.
The following 11 faculty are retiring:

Reynolda Campus
- Robert Dufort, professor of psychology.
- Eddie Easley, professor of business, Wayne Calloway School of Business and Accountancy.
- Leo Ellison, associate professor of health and exercise science.
- David Evans, professor of anthropology.
- Robert Shorter, professor of English, associate dean of the Graduate School and director of the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies program.
- George P. Williams Jr., professor of physics.
Bowman Gray Campus
- David Biddulph, professor of neurobiology and anatomy.
- Dr. Ronald Mack, professor of pediatrics.
- Inglis J. Miller Jr., associate professor of neurobiology and anatomy.
- Dr. John Reed, professor of surgical sciences (ophthalmology).
- Dr. Alfred Rufty, associate professor of internal medicine (cardiology).