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Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony

Re-live the excitement from Sunday night’s Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony at Truist Field.

School of Medicine Commencement

Bachelor of Science (School of Business) Diploma Ceremony

At 8:30 a.m., undergraduates receiving a Bachelor of Science in Business with the primary major in accounting, business & enterprise management, finance and mathematical business are recognized.

Bachelor of Science Diploma Ceremony

At 11 a.m., undergraduates receiving a Bachelor of Science degree with the primary major in biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, interdisciplinary studies (BS), mathematical statistics (BS) and mathematics are recognized.

Bachelor of Arts Diploma Ceremony (Majors: A-G)

At 1:30 p.m., undergraduates receiving a Bachelor of Arts with the primary major from anthropology to German (alphabetically) will be recognized.

Bachelor of Arts Diploma Ceremony (Majors H-W)

At 4 p.m., undergraduates receiving a Bachelor of Arts with the primary major from history to women’s, gender and sexuality studies (alphabetically) will be recognized.

School of Law Hooding Ceremony

School of Business Hooding Ceremony

Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Hooding Ceremony