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Alumnus Eugene C. Pridgen (’75 MBA, ’78 JD), partner in the Charlotte law firm of Kennedy, Covington, Lobdell and Hickman, delivered the graduation address at the May 15 hooding ceremony of the Babcock Graduate School of Management.

Gregory M. Davis and Garret VanHousen received the Robert N. White Award, given each year to the student team judged to have produced the outstanding field study project.

The Babcock Award was presented to Frankford Milam Johnson II, Tabitha Anna Machado, Robert Craige Murray and Reid Stewart Saleeby. The awards recognize particular managerial potential based on scholarship, leadership and integrity.

Stephen Allen Capps received The Wall Street Journal Award for exceptional performance as judged by the faculty.

Huiyi Qu of Peijing, China, received the first Luther Award, a faculty award that honors the memory of Dr. K.A.N. Luther, Babcock professor and Fulbright Scholar. The award is given to the international student who best contributes insight and expertise to others.

The Class of 1988 elected Associate Professor Dr. Donald L. Wallace to receive the Babcock Educator Award.