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The following faculty were honored during the Commencement ceremony:

Reynolda Campus

Wake Forest University honors Bobbie L. Collins, M.S.L.S., for twenty-five years of dedicated service to the students, faculty and staff of Wake Forest University; for her passion in teaching information literacy skills and helping students as they maneuver the complexities of academic research; for her guidance and mentoring of so many of her fellow library faculty; for her unflappable spirit and willingness to do whatever it takes to further the mission of the Z. Smith Reynolds Library: to help its students, faculty and staff succeed.

Wake Forest University honors Ronald V. Dimock, Jr., Ph.D., for forty-five years of distinguished service, including as the Thurman D. Kitchin Professor of Biology; for his deep knowledge of biology and natural history that inspired many generations of Wake Forest students; for his award-winning teaching and mentoring of students; for his leadership as chair and in the development of graduate and undergraduate programs; for his service to numerous professional societies; for his contributions to our understanding of invertebrate biology that resulted in a freshwater mite being named in his honor: Unionicola dimocki Vidrine in the subgenus Dimockatax.

Wake Forest University honors Jack D. Ferner, M.B.A., for forty-four years of tireless instruction and mentoring to the students at the School of Business whom he challenged to rise above their own expectations; for his dedicated service to the institution, as Dean in the school’s early history and subsequently through his leadership roles on a wide range of school committees and initiatives; for his expertise in strategic planning and economic analysis; and for being a kind, caring, thoughtful colleague who dispenses wisdom with dignity, grace and humor.

Wake Forest University honors J. Kendall Middaugh, II, Ph.D., for twenty-seven years of commitment and dedication to the students of the School of Business, where his passion for teaching and genuine interest in student success provided valuable and rewarding learning experiences; for his distinguished service to the institution that helped improve our academic community, our national brand, and enhanced our culture, making us a far better place; for his unwavering and significant administrative leadership contributions; and for being a genuinely collegial professor, mentor and friend.

Wake Forest University honors James T. Powell, Ph.D., for twenty-seven years of unstinting labor in the cause of introducing Wake Forest students to the priceless heritage of the Greek and Latin languages and to the literatures written in those languages; for his devotion to honor in the academic community and in his personal life; for his eloquent testimony to the importance of humanitas as a goal of education; for his widely acknowledged excellence in teaching, advising, and contributions to student life; for the virtues of integrity, generosity, and intellectual rigor that he consistently displays.

Wake Forest University honors David P. Weinstein, Ph.D., for twenty-six years of service to the profession, his students, the Department of Politics and International Affairs, and the cause of transparent faculty governance; for his internationally renowned scholarship on Utilitarianism, British Liberalism, and the work of Jewish Intellectuals exiled from Germany; for organizing important international conferences with wide-ranging impact on the study of political theory; for consistently challenging his students to think about contemporary issues through a theoretical and ethical lens; and for his unwavering commitment to his ideals.

Bowman Gray Campus

Wake Forest University honors James D. Ball, M.D., for thirty-six years of service to the University and its School of Medicine in the Department of Radiology, Nuclear Medicine Section; for his exceptional dedication to patient care; for educating a generation of students, residents, and fellows in nuclear medicine.

Wake Forest University honors William R. Brown, Ph.D., for twenty years of service to the University and its School of Medicine in the Department of Radiology; for his significant contributions to the fields of microvascular anatomy and function of the brain.

Wake Forest University honors Frank S. Celestino, M.D., for twenty-four years of service to the University and its School of Medicine in the Department of Family and Community Medicine; for leadership as the Director of Geriatric Medicine and in resolving ethical dilemmas in patient care for patients, families and colleagues; for developing cutting edge curriculum for medical students; for significant contributions to the fields of Family Medicine and Geriatrics; for exceptional dedication to patient care and for educating a generation of students, residents and fellows in family medicine; for an outstanding record of academic publications; for exceptional dedication to patient care and for demonstrating to all he encountered how to provide compassionate care to the elderly.

Wake Forest University honors Wesley Covitz, M.D., for twenty-five years of service to the University and its School of Medicine in the Department of Pediatrics; for his leadership as Pediatric Cardiology Section Head and the Cardiovascular Service Medical Director; for developing the Pediatric Cardiology Outreach and Telemedicine programs; for his exceptional dedication to patient care; for his research contributions to the field of Pediatric Echocardiography particularly in the area of Sickle Cell Disease; and for educating a generation of students, residents and other healthcare workers in noninvasive cardiovascular imaging.

Wake Forest University honors Robert L. Dixon, Ph.D., for forty years of service to the University and its School of Medicine in the Department of Radiology; for his contribution to the field of Radiologic Physics and his mission to protect patients and personnel from suboptimal use of medical radiation.

Wake Forest University honors Abbott Julian Garvin, M.D., Ph.D., for seventeen years of service to the University and its School of Medicine as Professor and Chair of the Department of Pathology; for service as Deputy Director and Interim Director of the Comprehensive Cancer Center and as a member of numerous other committees; for service as Director of the Pathology Residency Training Program; and for excellent teaching of residents, fellows, and medical students; and for continuously serving as a model of excellence in all his endeavors.

Wake Forest University honors Thomas S. Harle, M.D., for seventeen years of service to the University and its School of Medicine in the Department of Radiology; for his significant contributions to the fields of Cardiothoracic Imaging; for his exceptional dedication to patient care; for educating a generation of students, residents, and fellows in cardiothoracic imaging.

Wake Forest University honors David S. Jackson, Jr., M.D., for thirty-five years of service to the University and its School of Medicine in the Department of Family and Community Medicine; for teaching generations of medical students the art and skill of the physical exam; for leadership in developing and maintaining innovative medical school curricula; for exceptional talent, dedication, and leadership in patient care, education, and mentoring of students, residents, fellows, and faculty in family medicine; for leadership in helping the department navigate the ever changing health care environment; for the 15 years of service as the Executive Vice Chair and providing a focus on patient care in all decisions that were made and quietly providing an outstanding model of professionalism.

Wake Forest University honors Stephen I. Kramer, M.D., for thirty years of service to the University and its School of Medicine in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine; for exceptional talent as a teacher, mentor and researcher; for leadership in the residency program and on the adult inpatient unit; for contributions to the forensic program; for service on national and local psychiatric associations and societies; and for an exemplary record of professional publications.

Wake Forest University honors Patricia H. Petrozza, M.D., for thirty years of service to the University and its School of Medicine in the Department of Anesthesiology; for her leadership in the Section of Neuroanesthesia and Graduate Medical Education; for her significant contributions nationally as Editor-in-Chief of the Self Education and Evaluation Program of the American Society of Anesthesiology and member of the Joint In-Training Council of the American Board of Anesthesiology; for being a role model as a superb educator, clinician, and scholar at the highest level.

Wake Forest University honors James C. Rose, Ph.D., for thirty-nine years of service to the University and its School of Medicine in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; his career has been outstanding with exemplary accomplishments in research, teaching, and service; for establishing the research program in perinatal biology at the School of Medicine; for educating a generation of students, residents and fellows in basic physiology; and for an extraordinary record of academic publications and grants.

Wake Forest University honors Raymond C. Roy, M.D., Ph.D., for thirty-six years of service to the University and School of Medicine in the Department of Anesthesiology; for his dedicated leadership in departmental affairs and development as Chair and later Interim Chair; for his significant contributions nationally as an oral board examiner, member and President of the American Board of Anesthesiology; for his active participation in the Anesthesia History Association; for his exemplary career as a researcher, teacher, scholar, and administrator.

Wake Forest University honors Phillip E. Scuderi, M.D., for twenty-seven years of service to the University and its School of Medicine in the Department of Anesthesiology; for his leadership in respiratory care and Professional Services; for his significant contributions nationally in the Society of Ambulatory Anesthesia, the editorial board of Anesthesia and Analgesia, and as an oral board examiner for the American Board of Anesthesiology; for being an outstanding teacher, clinician, and researcher in the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics of anesthetic drugs.

Wake Forest University honors Joseph R. Tobin, M.D., for twenty-one years of service to the University and School of Medicine in the Departments of Anesthesiology and Pediatrics; for his leadership in pediatric intensive care, patient safety, and as Departmental Chair; for his significant contributions nationally as President of the Society of Pediatric Anesthesia, and consultant for the Malignant Hyperthermia Association, the National Institutes of Health, and the Food and Drug Administration; for his excellence as a teacher, researcher, scholar and his dedication to the care of infants and children.

Wake Forest University honors Alan J. Townsend, Ph.D., for twenty-four years of service to the Medical Center, University and its School of Medicine in the Department of Biochemistry; for exceptional talent as a teacher and researcher; for leadership in the Comprehensive Cancer Center as Program Director; for developing the capabilities for analysis of drug metabolism in cancer cells; for extensive collaboration with your colleagues; and for an exemplary record of professional publications.

Wake Forest University honors Kenneth W. Zamkoff, M.D., for ten years of service to the University and its School of Medicine in the Department of Internal Medicine, Section on Hematology and Oncology; for his significant contributions to the Comprehensive Cancer Center and to the Blood and Marrow Transplant Program; for his commitment to clinical research; for his dedication to patient care; for educating a generation of hematology and oncology fellows in hematologic malignancies and blood and marrow transplantation.


  • Charles Ashley, Superintendent, Facilities and Campus Services
  • Peggy Barrett, Administrative Coordinator, English
  • Carolyn Binkley, Administrative Assistant, Information Systems
  • Carroll Burnette, Plant Operator, Facilities and Campus Services
  • Alan Cameron, Associate Director, University Counseling Center
  • Ann Catron, Receptionist, Admissions
  • Evelyn Frazier, Manager, Facilities and Campus Services
  • David Gibson, Dishwasher, Graylyn
  • Cynthia Hall, Administrative Coordinator, Romance Languages
  • Anita Hughes, Executive Assistant to the Provost, Provost’s Office
  • Gaylon McMinn, Service Technician, Facilities and Campus Services
  • Chip Patterson, Assistant Vice President, Gift Planning, Advancement
  • Marianne Schubert, Staff Counselor and former Director, University Counseling Center
  • Marie Teague, Assistant to the Vice President, Campus Life
  • Mike Terry, PC Maintenance Technician, Information Systems